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    What is Skin Care?

    There are so many skin care methods out there it can confuse any of us. There are products, homemade recipes, treatments and even surgical procedures. And in each category there are what sometimes seem to be endless options for us to choose from. So what is skin care? What our skin care options are? And how would we know what to choose? All answers ahead.

    Skin Care Products

    When we say skin care products we’re not referring only to cosmetic products. We also mean all those lotions and moisturizers for our skin. Even baby powder is a type of a skin care product. In early ages we shouldn’t use too many products, only those which suited for our age and only those products that designed to maintain skin’s preservation and protection. Starting at teen ages, we can consider using skin care products that designed to treat skin’s problem according to the condition of our skin.

    Skin Care Treatments

    Skin care treatments divided into two main sections; first: skin’s preservation treatments. Second: skin’s remedies treatments. The same as skin care products, preservation treatments are mostly suited for all ages. The other treatments are meant to treat and heal different skin’s conditions. Such as: infections, scars, etc. Before taking any of those treatments it is recommended to consult with your doctor or a dermatologist.

    Skin Care Preservation and Protection

    Skin care preservation and protection methods are what we advise every adult to use and some of it is also good to protect children’s skin. When you stay outdoors for long time and you’re exposed to direct sunlight – cover your skin to protect it and apply sunscreen on the areas that remain exposed. Drink enough water to stay hydrated! Try to avoid fried foods. Try to work out more often. Try to avoid bad habits such as smoking, which cause a lot of damage to our skin. Preservation and protection of our skin is never too early to begin – remember that!

    By | 2019-08-06T00:32:05+00:00 February 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is Skin Care?

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